Websites for inspiration (sculpture, painting, colours..)

by - 6:19

 Hi guys!
As an illustrator, I always get in touch with a lot of websites of tons of creativity.

When I´m not in a good mood for make cool ideas for my miniatures, I always take a look to a couple of this websites. All of the follow websites are for professionals, so the cuality of their works are amazing.

There are a lot more, but these are my favorites:

  • A new page for colour composition and environments is movies in color .  In this website you have a screenshot of tons of films, and the color palette of the picture. Is really REALLY usefull.

Focus on 3D/ Sculpture
  • vfx portal   is focus on film industry and videogames. Have a lot of pictures and some videos and tutorials.

  •  3Dtotal   is my favorite site of 3D art. You have traditional and digital Sculpture, tutorials, textures,forums...

Now more focus on 2D/ illustration:

  • GameArtisans is focus on videogame world. I´ts kind of new, but you have a good gallery and art challenges.  

  • Conceptart is for concept artist, but you can get a job, take a look to the great community and see others gallery´s.

  • Cgsociety is focus on videogame and have 3d and 2d 50-50.
  • drawcrowd is a new page that is all design since beginning to artists. The website looks amazing and it seems like facebook. You have an artist profile and others could like your creations.  I see a very high cuallity, and most of the artists are chinese ( they have an unique style to play the colour)

These was the more important pages for me. You also have more random and cool websites that anybody knows as devianart , splashnology  and zerply.

Hope this can help you to improve your figures and grow  your art!

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